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Improve athletic performance and recovery with Drink HRW Rejuvenation H2 tablets, buy from partner and use “CYBORG” to get 10% OFF.
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About Drink HRW Rejuvenation H2
Drink HRW Rejuvenation H2 tablets are a paradigm-shattering leap forward in molecular hydrogen tablet technology. The tablets result from a patent-pending formulation and process that maximize the reaction and dissolution kinetics for creating molecular hydrogen. But more importantly, this keeps the hydrogen in the water in order to deliver the highest concentrations of hydrogen-rich water on the market. While some technologies may create more hydrogen, the water itself is left with very low levels of H2, even as low as 1/100th of what Rejuvenation H2 tablets are capable of.
Benefits of Drink HRW Rejuvenation H2 tablets include the following:
- Improving athletic performance and recovery
- Supporting a healthy redox, the harmony between our natural antioxidant defense and beneficial oxidative species
- Supporting a healthy inflammatory response
- Supporting our body’s resilience to a wide array of stresses
- Delivering 80mg of highly bioavailable magnesium per tablet